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Retirement Information
Retirement Process
Ready to Retire?
Please review the Service Retirement
Letter, then fill out/submit the forms listed
Are you ready to receive your monthly TESRS retirement?
Are you 55 years of age or older?
Do you have at least 10 years of TESRS qualified service?
If your answers to these questions are YES, then you are eligible to apply and start receiving your TESRS retirement benefit payment. Remember: you must apply for retirement in order to receive your benefit, and there are no back payments made if you are over age 55 and never submitted an application.
Payment and Application
Processing Schedule
Keep in mind that retirement from your department and your retirement in the TESRS System are not always the same. You may retire as a member of TESRS, start receiving your monthly benefit payment, and continue to participate in your department.
As a retiree, even though you may continue to participate in your department, you will no longer gain years of qualified service in the pension system and you will no longer be covered by TESRS active member death and disability benefits.
Click the link below and
Your retirement from TESRS is effective the first day of the month following the month that TESRS receives your completed Service Retirement Application Packet.
It takes one full business day for the State
of Texas to generate a payment and place
a paper check in the mail to you.
You will receive your monthly retirement
payment sooner if you sign up for Direct
Click on the link above and print the
Direct Deposit Authorization form;
Fill out the form and send it to TESRS
via FAX at 512-936-3480, or send it to
TESRS via U.S. Mail (our address is
printed on the bottom of the form).
If you receive your retirement check by
direct deposit and are changing banks or
accounts, use the Direct Deposit form to
change your deposit information and
receive your benefit payment into your new
Be sure that your packet is complete and that you have included your email address! Using email to process and certify your application is more efficient than standard mail, and may help you receive your first payment sooner.
How to apply for your TESRS retirement benefit
Step 1: Review the Service Retirement Letter
Step 2: Complete and sign the following documents -
Step 3 : Mail or fax your TESRS Service Retirement Application Packet to the TESRS Benefits Team located at:
P.O. Box 12577
Austin, Texas 78711
Fax: 512-936-3480
Step 4: Review your TESRS Service Retirement Certification (SRC) -
Your benefits specialist will send you your SRC for your approval. If we have your email address, we will email your SRC to you via DocuSign which will expedite the certification process.
​​​If you have any questions about your TESRS qualified service provided on your SRC, do not sign the document and contact TESRS.
Step 5: TESRS Executive Director’s Approval –
Your certified SRC receives a final review for completeness.
The TESRS Executive Director approves your SRC.
Your TESRS first monthly benefit is scheduled for payment!
Any disputes regarding your qualified service must be resolved between you and your Local Board.
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